A new version of Tanky-Tank has been released!
Latest changes:
- Powerup tracking indicators along the top of the screen show how much time until a powerup expires.
- Little +1 text indicators appear whenever you gain or lose points.
- In games with a time limit, the time remaining is now shown above the player's points in the lower-right corner.
- The location of the Juggernaut is now always shown on the minimap.
- Improved spawning logic that should make disasterous spawns less likely.
- Removed minelayer from Halftrack and replaced it with a rocket booster.
- Laser Tank's cursor-seeking missiles have been replaced with heat-seeking sidewinders.
- Significantly reduced the physics of the Siege Tank's siege cannon.
- Improved powerup graphics.
- Improved armor powerup effect.
- Improved tank death sound effects.
- Higher-resolution program icon.
- A.I. should now realize when it gets stuck and try to unstick itself.
- Music and voice for Mac & Linux versions.
- Fixed the "warp speed" siege tank bug.
- Fixed bug where Tanky-Tank would crash when run on a computer with no sound drivers.
- Fixed bug that made Tanky-Town map crash when played.
- On Mac, all Ctrl+____ hotkeys have been changed to Command+____ hotkeys.
- You can now use 1, 2, 3, 4, etc... hotkeys to select a team instead of using the dropdown box.
- Significantly reduced install times on some computers without the .Net Framework already installed.
- Some minor font and user interface graphics glitches have been fixed.
Download it now, or simply start Tanky-Tank and wait for the "new version" message to appear (Windows only).